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    時(shí)間:2016-05-30 08:41 作者:宏宇升降機 點(diǎn)擊:









    我公司泥漿不落地系統引進(jìn)國內先進(jìn)的技術(shù)設計生產(chǎn),系統配置強大,有效控制了鉆井泥漿中的鉆屑含水率(6%-10%),穩定液相性能,達到泥漿不落地干燥處理的目的。我公司泥漿不落地處理系統是通過(guò)以上設備將鉆井泥漿中的鉆屑含水率進(jìn)行控制,穩定液相性能,達到不落地干燥處理的目的,使其液相在不破壞的情況下,滿(mǎn)足二次回注利用。該環(huán)保廢棄物處理系統及隨鉆泥漿不落地處理系統能有效實(shí)現當前環(huán)保要求的社會(huì )價(jià)值,更大化實(shí)現鉆井現場(chǎng)鉆井液有效利用的經(jīng)濟價(jià)值;本系統經(jīng)過(guò)與國先進(jìn)技術(shù)引進(jìn)對接,結合國內外同類(lèi)產(chǎn)品的優(yōu)劣式,更大化的克服了當前行業(yè)針對不同鉆井液不能有效處理或不能徹底處理的弊端;同時(shí)該系統不需要添加其它藥品,篩籃不易堵塞,占地面積小,容易安裝操作簡(jiǎn)單,處理能力強,處理后的廢棄物固相含水率低,維護成本低。

    Mud without landing system, also known as drilling waste treatment system, the system does not fall cuttings, cuttings without landing system, drilling mud treatment system without landing.

    Mud is not the purpose of landing:

    With the improvement of environmental requirements, conventional drilling mud that buried the direct approach no longer meet environmental requirements; conventional drilling process to add chemical agents (such as barite), also there are a lot of wasted phenomenon. So the mud without landing system main purpose is to solve the waste drilling fluid curing, transportation to the designated location of drilling fluid disposal and recycling useful materials (such as oil-based mud oil).

    Drilling mud equipment does not fall collections:

    Mud without landing system according to the type of drilling mud can be divided into: water-based mud off the ground processing systems and oil-based mud treatment system does not fall into two categories. Wherein the water-based mud without landing apparatus comprising: a high-speed centrifuge drilling fluid (with screw), dried sieve drilling, drilling fluid filter press, screw conveyor, dosing unit, mud tanks and debris boxes. Oil-based muds are not landing apparatus comprising: a high-speed centrifuge drilling fluid (with screw), cuttings dryers (also known as cuttings dryer, dryer cuttings, cuttings dryers), dosing device, spiral conveyors, debris boxes.

    Drilling mud without landing process flow:

    Water-based mud off the ground: the mud to be treated through the manifold transported to the sieve and dried mud, mud treated by drilling into the screw centrifuge is further processed, treated slurry into the slurry tank was stirred again injected into mud circulation system. The process of the waste left by the drilling fluid supplied to the screw conveyor is further dried in a filter press, and finally out of the solids from the block is supplied to a filter press cuttings out of the tank space to landfills or other processing.

    Oil-based mud does not fall: to be treated drilling mud is conveyed to the drill cuttings dryer (cuttings dryer, dryer cuttings, cuttings dryers), the drilling mud delivered to the treated drilling fluid centrifugal machine for further processing, liquid drilling mud centrifuge processed after being re-injected into the mud circulation system. After processing the waste is transported to a cuttings box.

    Our mud system not fall introduction of the domestic production of advanced technology design, system configuration strong, effective control of the drilling mud cuttings moisture content (6-10%), stable performance liquid, to drying mud floor without purpose . Our mud off the ground processing system is a drilling mud cuttings carried out by the moisture content of the above device control, stable performance liquid phase to achieve the purpose of drying process does not fall to the liquid phase without damage, meet secondary return Note use. The eco-friendly waste disposal systems and social values ??do not fall drilling mud treatment system can effectively achieve the current environmental requirements, the greater the economic value of the effective use of the well site drilling; the system through the introduction of foreign advanced technology and docking, combined eXTERNAL merits of similar products, the greater of the current industry to overcome the drawbacks of the different drilling fluid can not effectively deal with or not completely processed; while the system does not require the addition of other drugs, easy to plug the sieve basket, small footprint, easy installation is simple, strong processing capability, low moisture content of the solid waste treated, low maintenance costs.


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